I am as old as a TREE

I am as old as a TREE

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Crash of 2008

So I just want to give a warning out there to all of you. There is a new VIRUS out there. My computer has been acting up and you know me and computers dont get along. And I was trying to do little things and everytime I would go to do something this Anti-virus alert would pop up and well to make a long story short. I bought into its little scem and I bought the VIRUS, Yes I paid $49.95 for it and thank goodness it crashed my old computer and now I have it in the shop and well Today its calling credit card companies and getting new cards and making sure the charges are not going to affect my accounts.

Just be aware.. Anti-Virus 2009


Anonymous said...

Oh no. . . you not only got the virus, but you actually bought it, too? Sadly, that sounds like something that I might do, as well. I need to call you. . .we got your extremely thoughtful gift in the mail yesterday. . . darn it! I'm not supposed to be crying ALL the time, just a little now and then. Love you Scott.

Anonymous said...

Oh no. . . you not only got the virus, but you actually bought it, too? Sadly, that sounds like something that I might do, as well. I need to call you. . .we got your extremely thoughtful gift in the mail yesterday. . . darn it! I'm not supposed to be crying ALL the time, just a little now and then. Love you Scott.

Anonymous said...

For those of us who USE them but don't UNDERSTAND them...the Geek Squad is our best friend...call before opening anything suspicious and most certainly before buying ANYTHING!! Love, mom