I am as old as a TREE

I am as old as a TREE

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I am it...Sunday School President.

So I started my day off visiting friends. It was a nice day. I took a 2 hour nap and I just enjoyed it.

I had a nice dinner with Yvette tonight and That was a great evening...

and then to end my evening It was great to meet with the bishop... I am not the Sunday School President. I was set a part and it was very sweet.

a few things I remembered out of the blessing.. D&C 121.  be the example, countinue to live the rightous life you have been living.

Bishop Smith said that he and brother every knew I was to be it. they said that they looked at me one sunday and the spirit said.. Scott Leitch is your Sunday School presient.

as I said before I know who my couselors should be and I am hoping.... praying Bishop feels the same way.

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