I am as old as a TREE

I am as old as a TREE

Monday, May 4, 2009

Life Happens this way!!!

Yes Life just happens this way and I know I should be prepared! but I was never a boy scout so I did not live life to that motto..

So its getting harder for me to see things happen and the year is getting closer to the end...

OK to night I spent Family Home Evening With Ben and Becca and the kids and The Larsen, a family Ben and I home teach and then when I left there I stopped by the Ford's...

It's getting harder each day to know that the families I love are leaving for greener fields (Corn Fields) and hotter temps in the summer and colder winters... Well I guess I am not really concern about the temps LOL...

But what I am going to miss is my kiddo's...

I know if you can not handle this you better stop reading now... WARNING WARNING WARNING YOU MAY CRY!

because I am...

I told myself a few years ago I was NOT going to get close to anyone again because everytime I do this happens...

Its not that they are going to be that far.. LOWA and VEMONT...

its just I have grown attacted ... It was funny last night Ben said "Oh we will keep in touch if nothing else you will get a wedding invention when the kids get married" LOL

the worst part is I wont get to see them grow up.. the one on one time I have with them now is just unbelievable..

I know I have so many kids in my life... I miss seeing so many of them grow up..

It has always been my dream to be married and live so happy in good old happy valley... LOL have a few kids of my own and then grow old sitting on the front pouch.

Thanks mother you saw so much more in me...

So what am I typing about...

me saying good bye to my friends who will be leaving in a few months to greenier fields. TO continue with there lives...

I am not going to cry then I am going to be strong... YEAH right!

But just to know what they mean to me in my life right now is the important part..

The Gospel is large but small when you think of all the people we meet and then pass on to other walks of life...

So for those of you that may be leaving in the near months... Just know you will always have a place in my heart and we will meet again someday... and when you get to the Celestial Kingdom, make sure you say a few good words about me! :)

So for now I have given a few tears and I am moving on... I am going to continue to live life and I am going to give you as much SCOTT time as you want....

and thanks for being a friend!


Becca said...

I hate moving away from friends! I really do. We are going to miss you too Scott. I know the kids really will too. :(

Anonymous said...

Scott, knowing you as I do I am very sure that they will miss you even more than you do them. Life has a lot of challenges and I think you are dealing with them well. Dad

Anonymous said...

Now...take a moment and remember life before these families; then think of how enriched you are because of them. Now...imagine that there are others in your future who will enrich you even more...line upon line, precept on precept...that is how He leads us!! Love, mom

Anonymous said...

it is kind of hard to move one place to another i knew how hard it was when candy and james moved to utah tori cried when they left that very morning. love, tim