Now I have to tell you I have never spent $15 before for anything as good as 8 pounds of Fortune cookies. LOVE THEM! and its fun to see the kids eat them too! NOT a bad $15.
"Your Popularity will increase."
"Your road will be made smooth for you by good friends"
"You will be approached with an interesting proposition."
"You have a friendly heart and are well admired"
"The time is right to reach your goals"
"Good news will come to you from far away"
"You will have good luck and overcome many hardships"
"Your winsome smile will be your sure protection"
"You will receive an unexpected phone call."
"You will be approached with an interesting proposition."
"You will make a fortune with your friends."
"You will have a large family"
"You or a close friend will be married within a year."
I can smell Seattle in those pics. The memories are flooding back. How dare you!!!
Oh my...your May flowers in March...simply breathtaking!!!! Love, mom
Thanks for brightening up my day with those great photos of the flowers.
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