I am as old as a TREE

I am as old as a TREE

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I think that one engery drink can do this to me!!!

so I will start with the most exciting news ever.... My AUntie lives in the Lacey Stake which is south of me and they are having stake conference and she lives across the street from the Stake President and well... We get to cook a meal for a Apostle of the Lord.... Dallin H Oaks... I am super excited.. SO SO SO SO SO Excited... Thank you Marsha Coppin for Asking us to do such a wonderful event!!!!!

Next... I am on fire today... I hope this last because I am very up!!! maybe I needed more of these engergy drinks more often.. Last time I had one I ended up cutting the end of my finger off.. LOL....

So Last night in one of the rental places we had a back up of raw sewage again... YUCK STINK.. $1300 later it was fixed the correct way... which I was on the phone this morning to the company that fixed it last time and said hello it has not even been a month and this has happened something tells me you blew smoke up someones nose... LOL
so as they were finishing up and were dumping some water out of there shop vac the lady who rents the place said to the man "don't dump that rock back down the drain... LOL can you guess what the plummer said, I almost lost it... LOL it was to funny...

so we are hoping to get some money back from routerrotter for there crappy job they did because the did not do the job they said they did.....

then i have been on the phone putting out other little fires all day.. I am such a fire fighter... :)

WHEN I want something done or something done right I get what I want in a nice kind way... sweet talker that I am... WOW wonder what it would take to sweet talk mom!!!!

Anyway... SO I am reading the Obitraries today and another one in the PENN HALL area died. and It kinda of got to me that cancer has taken alot of lives in that little town of PENN HALL...
anyway what got to me is when you read obitraries you can read other peoples posts as well.. saying how sorry they are etc...

this one got to me...
"Dear Dad,
Sorry to hear about the loss of your sister (NAME). Unfortunately I never had the pleasure of meeting her, but I am sure she was a lovely person. My Thoughts and prayers are with all of you."

NOW tell me what is wrong with this picture.. YES it is MY DISFUNTIONAL Family.. (NO not my Davis family side, the Leitch/Neese side) Really and they lived with in 10-15 miles of each other.... I feel sad, I really really really feel sad... because This is just my family do you see why I choose to live so far away from the rest of them...... YES I am sad that I have cousins out there that I have no clue who they are, I have family out there that really have no clue who each other are and I have brothers and sisters out there that dont get along... OK I will add myself to that list because they are not a family unit anymore... MAKES me mad to tell you the truth... Really upsets me.

Thank you mom and dad davis for the example of FAMILY that you are to me and each of us. I know that I do not come to visit enought.... I know that We are only a 600 mile car ride from each other and I know that its to brown for me to visit... and that I can make the trip... and that I put my needs ahead of yours.... I do Love you and I think of all the fun we do have when we are together... I love you and want every one of my brothers and sisters and inlaws that they are in my hearts and I think of them often...

Up down and Up down again... I cant express what my life is like... a few months ago when I had posted about making all the bread and a picture on the one basket say bloom where you are planted... I have to say that I have done that and that I am still blooming.... I might be growning a little rounded in the center but its not that I am not still thinking of blooming.... I sometimes dont see the color on me and sometimes it is others that see the color on me instead of me..... I sure home that I am not that negative person that I sometimes seem to me be... because I am for the most part very happy and well sometimes you have to have a little storm before the rainbow comes out.

I need to be a better person all around and sometimes it just takes me off garud sometimes.

its funny to see that when I am in a good mood and dont have to much stress on me I am over all a happy person....

last week for the wonderful dinner that was prepared... Out of that turkey, I took a meal of two over to the next door neighbors (I dont always like them) I took my Relief Socitey President and her husband (Meal for two) I took a meal for 6 over to children hospital, I feed 8 adults and 6 kids on sunday night before I took all the meals out... this is just one 26 pound turkey...

can I tell you how blessed I am!!!! 1st off the gospel, 2nd family, 3rd friends, 4th knowledge, 5th giving..

the list could go on... I am seeing in my life little things that James and Arlene gave me.... The things that they use to do and the KEYSTONE mother was...

you take that and you add what Linda and Bob taught me and well boy look what you get.

Yeah mom you can stop laughing now thinking off us going for turkeys for the pioneer trex and all the events we did together... NO BETTER YET LAUGH... because I am, just thinking of the events and the trouble you got me into... and to this day it was your fault that I got that speeding ticket!!!!!

OK I am off to do the next thing I had on the list to do today........


dad said...

Scott, stay off of the energy drinks!! Can you say "stream of consciousness?" Even so, this post was very, very entertaining. You are wonderful and do so many acts of kindness for others. Keep it up and congrats on being able to prepare food for Elder Oaks.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, dearie...I AM LAUGHING!! You have gotten me into more messes than all of the other kids combined...I AM SURE OF IT!!! Love, mom