I am as old as a TREE

I am as old as a TREE

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Family and Friends

So this week I have been putting alot of things together... Trying to pull all my memories of the last 2 weeks into a little blog is sad that I did not put it all together once it happened.

I just want to say to all my sisters and brothers...
I just love the fact that after all is said and done... We are family.
Thank you Mom and Dad for the JOY!
I think that would be the best thing to say it is the JOY!
Mom and Dad you did AWESOME!

Friends... Thank you for dealing with me. ok I should say thank you family as well.

I am so grateful for the love everyone offers me and for putting up with me.

Just remember when you all get to the Celestial Kingdom... come visit me!!!!


dad said...

Great post, Scott. I especially like your positive attitude. Not only will you be there, but so will I. Awesome!!

Anonymous said...

And, THANK YOU, Scott!!! Love, mom

Abby said...

Our family would definitely be incomplete without you, Scott. Thank you for making the effort to come to the wedding a couple of weeks ago. It always gives me a boost to spend a little time with you.

Anonymous said...

you are my best friend scott!! love, tim

Davis Family said...

Scott, thank you so much for your effort and generosity. You are wonderful and I'm so happy to have you as my brother. The flowers were amazing and were the icing on the cake!! Thank you again for coming and we can't wait to see you again soon.