I am as old as a TREE

I am as old as a TREE

Monday, October 20, 2008

Family Home Evening

Ok This was Family Home Evening tonight, I got it about 2 weeks ago right after I went to the pumpkin patch with the Crosby.. I got it for the Crosby's so I forgot about it until tonight so I thought what a better way to spend FHE then to drop it off to them.. SURPRISE!
So Sister's do you all have this DVD?


The Shavers said...

Scott, I don't think I have ever seen that movie...is it a good one??

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen that one before either, Scott. It looks cute.

Candy Javier said...

Me either. It looks like it could be a fun new family tradition!

Anonymous said...

I've seen it, but with my great memory, don't recall exactly how it goes. Occassionally the girlies and I catch a charlie brown seasonal show on tv, and I think we caught that one once.

Anonymous said...

Fnally...an answer to the "Snoopy" question. If the Big Pumpkin is anywhere around, so is the ol' Snoopster! Love, mom