I am as old as a TREE

I am as old as a TREE

Monday, April 4, 2011

So tonight I had a wonderful night... I was in class most of the day, I am taking a few Art classes... I did not know they were going to be full on drawing classes but I was hoping I was going to learn more about Humanities.....

I took on class on Visual Thinking.... THINKING right!

So I was hoping this is what it would be and I think I will be thinking...

Anyway... SO I have this passon for my missionaries... I love them... even when I can not stand them.
I love Elder Tanner and Elder Fetzer... they are not in my ward but I love them.. THEY are just wonderful and for some odd reason.. I have been doing a lot for them, like wise for me.

So today when I got home they were still doing laundry and well most of the time they have a dinner but tonight they got stood up. So I took them out to dinner...

Well we had a great dinner and when we came home we had a very great evening of teaching one another.. Elder Tanner is one of "THE" Tanner's.. Church History. and he is just such a wonderful young man. His father and Uncle have done a few Church History and other Video's. "Touch of the Masters Hand". SO
we took the time to watch some of these videos...

We got into watch Values.com and then mormon messages... where we watched this one...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7zwQ_7q-fU Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light
just incase you cant pull that one up...

I learned everytime I am with these missionaries that sometime we have to do what the LORD wants in his time and when he wants us to learn these thing.

I just hope I can contiune to Learn and grow.. Thank you for your support as I learn!!!


dad said...

Your choice of friends is good. Can't go too far wrong there.

Anonymous said...

I like to "think" of the "visual" of the three of you honoring, uniting and enlightening your Priesthood. Marvelous!! Love, mom